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These disclosures only reflect statutory requirements of The Smile Mission Ltd, Singapore. It excludes any requirements by other Smile Asia member charities.

BOARD MEETING ATTENDANCE IN FY 2023 (Ending 30 June 2023)

Dr Vincent Yeow – 4 out of 4
Dr Josephine Tan – 3 out of 4
Mr Paul Wilden – 3 out of 4
Mr Kong Ho Loon – 2 out of 4
Mr Sean Tan – 3 out of 4
Ms Janice Gan – 4 out of 4
Ms Diana Lim – 2 out of 4


The Smile Mission Ltd (formerly Operation Smile Singapore Ltd ) is registered as a company limited by guarantee, set up on 01 November 2007 vide UEN 200720373E. It is registered as a non-profit under Charities Act, approved on 17 January 2008 vide Charity Registration No. 2077.


I. to research and advance developments and care in the areas of plastic, reconstructive and specialized surgery by such methods as the Directors shall from time to time deem feasible and appropriate for people in necessitous circumstances;

II. to improve training and education programmes for medical doctors and other professionals to expand the base of qualified persons in Singapore;

III. to encourage volunteerism and awareness in Singapore;

IV. to sponsor and/or coordinate special projects to deliver services, health care, and education where necessary, in the areas of plastic, reconstructive and specialized surgery to patients otherwise unable to afford or obtain such services;

V. to encourage or fund relevant research in the field of cleft and craniofacial surgery for the purpose of identifying etiological factors, improving outcomes and preventing disease;

VI. to sponsor and/or coordinate fundraising projects to raise funds for various projects, medical missions and other interests of the Company. These fundraising projects are to include car washes, dinner functions, outings and any other fundraising activities or projects necessary for the raising of funds for the purposes of expanding and developing the interest of the Company;

VII. to develop the necessary organisational structures of volunteers, so that they may provide health care and sustain the Company’s programmes in coming years;

VIII. in the achievement of the Objects:
– the Company shall send volunteer doctors and others to collaborate in the organisation of educational missions and programmes;
– the beneficiaries of instruction and training programmes provided by the Company shall return the benefits they receive by rendering volunteer work for the projects conducted by the Company as approved by the relevant government authorities;
– the acts referred to in Clause 3(3) shall be carried out by the Company through missions organised preferably in local public hospitals;

IX. to strictly adhere to appropriate care standards necessary to the care of patients with craniofacial abnormalities;

X. to take such steps and to do all such things as may from time to time be deemed necessary expedient or desirable to make known the Objects of the Company and to procure and encourage contributions subscriptions donations or otherwise; and

XI. to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the abovementioned objects or any of them provided that nothing shall be done for commercial reasons or solely for profit and particularly as follows:
– subject to the provisions of Section 23 of the Companies Act (Chapter 50) or any statutory modification thereof for the time being being in force, to purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire any land then the Company shall obtain such license (if any) as may be required by the law;
– with the approval of at least a majority of the members and in accordance with the Articles of Association, to sell, manage, lease, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Company for the purposes of the Company;
– with prior approval of at least a majority of the members and in accordance with the Articles of Association, to raise money for the objects and purposes of the Company in such manner as the Company may think fit;
– to invest the monies of the Company not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investment, securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law and to appoint from time to time professional fund managers for the purposes of managing and investing the monies of the Company;
– to construct, maintain, alter and upkeep any house, building, or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Company;
– to accept subscriptions, donations (whether of real or personal estate) and demises and bequests and collaborating with charity and/or charitable medical organisations in fund-raising exercises;
– to invite, issue, appeal for, and solicit subscriptions, benefactions, donations, and bequests to or for the Company for the purposes of the Company;
– to establish and maintain such banking account or accounts as it thinks fit into such of which as may be appropriate shall be paid forthwith all monies for the time being belonging to the Company; and
– to pay all costs, charges and expenses incurred or sustained in or about the promotion and establishment of the Company and to remunerate any person or persons for services rendered in the promotion or establishment of the Company.


The Company’s reserves policy is to ensure a reserve of approximately six months of administrative expenses so that the company can tide over any unforeseen situations when revenue generation dips drastically.


DBS Bank, Singapore
12 Marina Boulevard
Financial Centre Tower 3
Singapore 018982


MC Corporate Services
1 Coleman Street #05-06A
The Adelphi
Singapore 179803


Suhaimi Salleh & Associates
71 Ubi Crescent #08-01
Excalibur Centre
Singapore 408571