As part of the Smile Asia alliance, The Smile Mission Ltd (TSM) has contributed to 13,483 surgeries thus far. Overall, the Smile Asia group has treated more than 75,000 children with the support of more than 2000 international volunteers.
This year has been difficult for us due to Covid-19. The international medical missions have been put on hold. So, we started working on improving and expanding the infrastructure of our comprehensive care centres. Once ready, our medical volunteers will have access to utilise these facilities, increasing delivery of care for the growing number of children waiting to receive surgery.
Support us as we sharpen our tools to adjust to the new normal and strive to continue spreading smiles to these children!
Donation by Cheque
Send a crossed cheque in favour of
The Smile Mission Ltd
And mail to
352 Tanglin Road #01-05
Tanglin International Centre
Singapore 247671
Donation by Bank Transfer
Account Name: The Smile Mission Ltd
Account Number: 0069012099
Bank Name: DBS Bank
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 006
Bank Address: 12 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018982
This donation will be booked by The Smile Mission Ltd (TSM), a registered charity in Singapore under the Charities Act. Donations received from Singapore will be primarily used on expenses relating to collaborative learning activities of Singapore-based volunteers who offer their services in overseas medical missions, delivery of surgical care as an outcome of the collaborative learning, and other local expenses. Should you wish your donation to be used differently, please inform us by email. TSM cannot issue double income tax benefits to donors because it does not have IPC status. TSM is unable to apply for an IPC status because its programmes are targeted to Asia as a whole. It is a requirement that activities of a charity are primarily beneficial to the community in Singapore to apply for IPC status.
UEN 200720373E | CHARITY REG 2077